"Sala de Espera"
Is my apartment that, for over a year, has been a place for transformation, a waiting room for happiness. My question to resolve is how to reconstruct the endless desire to delve into the world and the rest of things - A question that the Spanish scientist and lawyer Eduardo Punset asks publicly. The artistic processes occur through extensive time of reflection and through interaction with other individuals, as intelligence does not exist if not social. Similarly, happiness ceases to exist without emotional interaction and interconnections that make up the individual as being free on one side and happy on the other. “Sala de Espera” I see as a place of artistic exploration that does not aim to generate public objects, but rather to delve deep into the primary and private processes of an artist who is invited and given his or her own key to come and go for a month in my home - creating an experience. For my part, I will live with the pieces and/or experiences of each artist and will serve as support in their completion.
Judith Pedroza
Superstition and Cleanliness explores the set of actions that is the curious practice of ritual as cathartic and transformative, specifically rituals of atonement and rites of passage. The piece presents a self-prescribed ritual of penance performed by the practitioner. Entering a liminal state, the practitioner and his set of actions set to approach and investigate the promise of internal change and order through the momentary devotion and belief in the symbolic value of gestures, the adherence to a network of symbols, the consequent submission to the prescribed ritual, and the external simulation of order itself.
Superstition and cleanliness is also a personal investigation of the creative process, as the practitioner is also simultaneously playing the role of artist upon a stage where extreme emotion, ideas and beliefs are contained, organized and exorcised by means of various mediums. Much like an individual placing faith in the outcome of a ritual, the artist seeks to discover whether or not the object created or the piece performed can fulfill the purpose for which it was made.
Sala de Espera
Es mi departmento que ha sido por más de un año un lugar de paso para la transformación, una sala de espera de la felicidad. Mi pregunta a resolver es ¿Cómo reconstruir las ganas infinitas de profundizar en el resto del mundo y en el resto de las cosas? Pregunta que Eduardo Punset ciéntifico y abogado español hace pública. Los procesos artísticos suceden en tiempos largos de reflexión,así también por la interacción con otros individuos ya que no existe inteligencia si no es social como tampoco existe felicidad sin interacción e interconexiones emocionales que construyen al individuo como un ser por un lado libre y por otro feliz. Sala de Espera lo contemplo como un lugar de exploración artístca que no tiene como fin generar objetos públicos sino profundizar en los procesos primarios y privados de un artista, el cual es invitado con su propia llave para entrar y salir por un mes en mi casa y generar una experiencia. Por mi parte viviré con las piezas y/o experiencias de cada artista y serviré como soporte
para ejecutarlas.
Proyecto 1 de Sala de Espera: Superstition and Cleanliness/Oscar Ariete